Learn to play piano with Perfect Piano App

Learn to play piano with Perfect Piano App



Finding a great piano tutor is in itself a Herculean task. If you are lucky enough to have one in your town or city that fits the bill, expect to pay through the nose for lessons that may last less than one hour.

So, what’s the solution? Well, Perfect Piano is one app that we feel should revolutionize the way we learn how to play the piano. Perfect Piano supports the full keyboard structure of any grand piano. In other words, what you find on this tiny little app is the same thing as you’ll find on that huge, cumbersome instrument that needs to be hoisted up through to the upstairs window by a large crane.

There are single row modes, double row modes and dual player modes. It has a multi-touch and touch sensitive pressing dynamics. This means you can actually tweak the amount of pressure you apply to the keys to make them heard. If you are one of those people with fat fingers, then adjust the width of the keys to make playing much easier; now there’s no way you’ll be able to do that on a real piano!

There are nine distinct sound to the Perfect Piano app including sax, strings ensemble, synthesized bass, organ, music box and acoustic piano. It also supports Audio app and MIDI playbacks features, where you can record a piece of great piano that you’ll have learned and then record it to play back to your friends and family at a later stage.

Perfect Piano also has tiles and a metronome device built in where you can alter the key notes of each pitch to get the piano in tune. No more getting the piano tuner in and asking him to adjust the pitch with a tuning fork at some great expense, now your built in metronome will do this for you and it will help you maintain timing and rhythm too. Music is all about balance and timing and the metronome allows us to play the tunes in perfect timing sequence. This will help to avoid someone clapping in time while you are busy trying to play.

If you are learning to play the piano, the Perfect Piano app is just the app for you. There are three different levels to each song that you may have selected to try and learn. And with more than 70 songs on the library, and more added every week, you’ll never get bored of trying to learn a new tune.


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