Cravings: Fantastic New Diet App – 10 Free Promo Codes

Cravings: Fantastic New Diet App – 10 Free Promo Codes



Unless you’re blessed with the sort of Ryan Gosling/Jessica Alba figure in which fat seems to bounce off you and onto your unfortunate friends, you will be relieved to hear that there is an app that can help you slim down and avoid those cravings that lead to pudgy bellies and porky thighs.

‘Cravings’ helps everyday people slim down and eat healthily by understanding their individual cravings and food habits.  The app tracks your food consumption and allows you to target the areas in which you’re letting yourself down.  It offers statistics on how many calories there are in all of your favourite meals and will offer a goal to work towards.

To set up a personal profile on the app, simply enter your data (height, weight, age, activity level) into the database and it will tell you what your optimum daily intake of calories is.  You can then plan your day around your meals; for example, if you know that you’re going round to a friend’s house and you are going to be splitting a pizza and a bottle of wine, you can allow for this by eating a less calorific breakfast  and lunch.

What I really like about the app is how it seamlessly integrates with Google; it’s calorie search feature allows you to ascertain the average calorific content of any food that you put into the search bar, which is perfect for counting your calories as you go.

The app also shows you your daily progress and, most importantly, indicates what your biggest cravings are, giving you the power to choose not to yield to them.

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I’m not quite at the stage of the handsome chap beneath the article, but I have noticed a tangible difference in my attitudes towards comfort foods and how many calories that I take in each day.  (Watch out, Gosling, I’m just a few benchpresses away from taking your crown…)


And as the developer is such a generous chap, here’s 10 free promo codes so you can get Cravings for free; be quick, though, once they’re gone, they’re gone!



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