Apple Fragmentation? The 3.1.3 Double Take

Apple Fragmentation? The 3.1.3 Double Take


Normally when we talk about fragmentation its related to Android, but it seems Apple might have to start locking older users out too. Read on for details:A few days ago early IPhone and IPod touch users still running firmware 3.1.3 or earlier lost all Appstore access. Now users could still sync apps via ITunes on the desktop but the Appstore application stopped functioning. Yesterday Apple issued a statement assuring users that it was a bug in the new Appstore backend and had been fixed, but there are still numerous reports of users on earlier versions unable to access the Appstore on their devices. Its natural that as a product cycle moves forward older version lose support, so is this a sign of things to come or just a misunderstanding? Only time will tell, in the mean time have any of you experienced these issues? Let us know in the comments below.


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