App-ssential Advice For Content Writers

App-ssential Advice For Content Writers


What is the most important trait of killer content? It’s a good question, but one that is more difficult to answer than you might realise. You see, you might say that killer content is all about ensuring that it is visually exciting and interesting to read. But what about a user’s ability to understand it? You can have an exciting piece of content that is interesting to look out, and readers might still have no idea what it’s about. As such, there are a various different boxes you’ll need to tick off when you are creating content.

Luckily, tech is providing a great answer and here are some fantastic apps that could really help you with your content creation. Some would even say they are now an essential part of the content writing process.

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Check And Check Again

Nothing looks worse than content that hasn’t been improperly checked and vetted for spelling and grammar mistakes. A lot of website owners and content producers don’t worry about this too much and fix any small issues after publishing. Unfortunately, by this point, the damage has already been done. You’ve already made a terrible first impression with the reader. Instead, you need to think about making sure you are running your content through an app to check for mistakes. Grammarly is the perfect solution because it will provide you with a whole range of options to improve the article. It can even help you remove frequently used words and provide you with something more exciting or unique.

Original Content

Speaking of being unique, you might also want to make sure that any graphics you use aren’t the same as other sites. This can make your content seem uninspired and unoriginal. To avoid this, you should think about using an app for free, quality, stock images and even videos. That way, you can add a little more oomph to your content, ensure it looks vibrant without falling into the trap of using content that includes royalties. There are plenty of free picture apps on both the Google Play store and the Apple store.

Infographics And Other Designs

You might also want to make sure that you are producing different types of content for your site with fresh styles and incredible displays. You can do this with an app such as Canvas. With this video editing and graphics tool, you can easily create things like infographics and news articles for any site. The app is quick and simple to use, and within minutes you can produce a brand new piece of content.

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Plagiarism Checker

Last but not least, you want to make sure that your content is completely, 100 percent original. As such, you should think about using an app for plagiarism checking. This should help you ensure that you are not stepping on any toes online. A plagiarism accusation can quite easily become a death sentence for a new website.

We hope you use these apps to make sure that your content is a killer and keep producing quality output, sure to stand out online.


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