Top 10 Most Bizarre iPhone Apps

Top 10 Most Bizarre iPhone Apps


10 bizarre iPhone apps

Feeling bored and got lots of time on your hands? Then you could give the following applications a try. These are the ten weirdest apps for the iPhone.

10. iDare – Free; iDare - The Game Creators

Remember the android in Aliens, who would take a knife and at a super fast speed stab the spaces between his fingers without dismembering himself? Well, iDare is a takeoff on that, where you have to quickly tap your pencil in between your fingers touching them! The iDare can be downloaded from the iTunes store free of cost.

9. How to kiss – Free; How to KISS - Indigo Penguin Limited

Having difficulties in the kissing department? Well, you could try this app out, and maybe your partner will stay with you a bit longer. Jokes apart, this application has got good reviews and best of all, it’s free to download from the iTunes store.

8. Hold on! – $0.99; Hold On! - IMAK Creations

This fun application tests your patience literally! A counter measures for how long you can hold down a button, and stores the time. And if you have any friends as jobless as you are, you could play multiplayer over Bluetooth. It can be downloaded for 0.99$.

7. Rimshot and crickets – Free;Rimshot & Crickets - Codepacity, LLC

Have just cracked a joke, and want to add a rimshot to it? Want to break those uncomfortable moments of silence by something funny? Well, then this app is certainly for your iPhone. From rimshots, to crickets, to different types of clap sounds, this is a fun app and is absolutely free.

6. EMF meter – Free; EMF Meter - Hamway

Want to check if ghouls and ghosts are hiding beneath your bed? The EMF meter application is one to psych out your friends, though the accuracy of the readings is certainly questionable. Still one consolation is that it’s completely free.

5. Hello cow! – $0.99;Hello Cow - Andrew Kaluzniacki

Making its way to number five on our list is the Hello cow application. Here you have a sad looking cow staring at you, and if you poke it you can coerce a ‘moo’ out of it. Unless you are below the age of five, I doubt you would appreciate the cow and it’s ‘moo’. Still, if you want to try it out, it can be downloaded for 0.99$.

4. CIS Fingerprint scanner and spy toolkit – $0.99;CIS Fingerprint Scanner & Spy Toolkit - Kaufcom GmbH

This application is for those of us whose childhood fantasies were of being the next 007. Quite realistic with many features and having some cool sound effects, this app can be downloaded from the iTunes store for 0.99$.

3. Voice changer – $0.99;Voice Changer - Hurryforward Ltd

The voice changer application transforms your voice in a number of ways producing funny sound effects. Some of the different effects are helium balloon, reverse, Darth Vader and one which even changes your sex. It costs 0.99$ for downloading.

2. iVoodoo – $2.99;iVoodoo - oeFun, Inc.

Want to inflict pain on your boss? Want to punish your ex for cheating on you? No need to visit your neighborhood witch doctor, all you have to do is download the iVoodoo app to your iPhone. You can simply paste a photo of a person you dislike and poke his doll with needles and hope he really feels it. This downright weird app comes for 2.99$.

1. iFart – $0.99;iFart. - w3net

Finally, the number one spot goes to the application, iFart! Please do not underestimate the amount of research and work that has been put into making this app. From movies fart pack containing Harry Pooter, Bravefart, Forrest Dump and Fart Trek, to the foods fart pack comprising broccoli bomber and big beef, this app comes for just 0.99$ and is handy for playing pranks on friends.

About the author: Alyssa Clarke is an avid blogger writer who also happens to be a tech freak. She loves collecting tech stuff of all kinds and her recent purchase is an Amazon cloud drive. Latest gadgets apps are also something that interests her a lot and is soon going to get Ice Cream Sandwich for her android.


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