If I said that you could smell like a messenger from God as well watching Eva Mendes spray herself with fragrant moisture, you’d probably ask if I’d had a little to drink today. Well, I’ve had nothing but Green Tea all afternoon, but the videos on Thierry Mugler – Angel have left me a little inebriated with desire!
I’d better explain. Angel is the new iPhone app from Thierry Mugler who designs and produces beautiful perfumes and colognes and is looking to bring these fabulous fragrances to the tech world via his new iPhone app. So we gave it a whirl to see what we could come up with…
Essentially, the app is designed to promote the fragrance, although there are a lot of other features that are well worth checking out; my favourite part is the ‘Create Your Dream’ section, where you can choose 5 stars from the ‘Angel Constellation’ on the screen to depict the type of dream that you want, (choose from words like ‘Dancing’, ‘Futuristic’, ‘Peaceful’ and ‘Mysterious’), which then join to form points of a star.

The star then explodes in a flash of light and a video plays, with mysterious music and sensual shots of models eating fruit cut with loads of different clips of random images and movies, like a girl walking through long grass, a coiled up snake, a seagull flying and zip unfastening. It’s fairly lysergic, (but in a good way), and you feel a little trippy watching it, especially because of the harp-laden music playing as a soundtrack; each ‘dream’ ends abruptly, (just like a real dream, I suppose) and then you have the option to share it on Facebook or create another one. It really is quite fun and a little addictive, especially when you consider that there are over 50 million different dream combinations…
Another section is the ‘Which Angel Are You Today’, where you choose the 5 words that define your mood from the same constellation and they form a star that suits your current personality, a little like horoscopes, but with you having a little more control than simply being born in a certain month!
You can also explore the entire range of Thierry Mugler Eau De Parfums, Eau De Toilettes and Les Parfums Corps with interesting details listed under each item. Using your iPhone’s geo-locator, you can also find your nearest Thierry Mugler boutique, just in case you decide to treat yourself!

A ‘Behind The Scenes’ video is also quite useful for anyone who wants to see Eva Mendes inside the ‘Dream Machine’, modelling various outfits and holding an Angel star set to an electro-pop soundtrack…trust me, it’s worth it.
For a promotional app, this is really something; there are all sorts of interactive features to keep you intrigued and engaged and if you do want a further insight into the fragrant world of Thierry Mugler, then this is a great starting point. Plus it’s free, so if anyone wants to look at Eva Mendes behind the scenes on a model shoot, it’s worth every penny…!
- The user interface is really easy to navigate and the graphics are very clear and sharp.
- As the videos are stored on the app, the loading time is minimal.
- You could spend forever and a day on the ‘Create Your Dream’ section and still not see every possible combination!
Room For Improvement
- A game might be fun, perhaps a touchscreen one to do with the perfume? Angry Angels?!
OMG, I love this app! It’s so cool that you can get your own star signs and videos and the perfumes are absolutely fabulous! Two thumbs up!!!
Great app, really found it useful when buying a fragrance for my girlfriend. Finding your nearest Thierry Mugler store is a help and it takes the hassle out of birthday shopping!