Sky Tribes: Pillage to Build Your Village

Sky Tribes: Pillage to Build Your Village



When somebody uses the word ‘anarchy’ nowadays, pedants will often correct them with the information that in its archaic form, the term simply means ‘self-governance’; well, I’d like to see these know-it-alls try to explain this to one of the axe-wielding characters in Sky Tribes, the new PvP game from YMC Games.

The free game posits you as the controller of a tribe who happen to be of a somewhat anarchistic disposition when it comes to claiming what they want; control the cute little chaps as they bring scary weaponry to pillage local villagers. Woe betide anyone who gets in their way, as these guys pack (often clenched around a sharpened weapon). It’s not all slash and dash though, as the main focus of the game is to build a city in which your men and women can live, building a veritable army of troops such as archers, warriors and shaman who you can recruit as the game progresses.

All of the fights take place via turn-based combat and your warriors have some pretty nifty special moves up their sleeve. As your fighting other players, you can shortcut your way to a fortune by fighting them for their gold supply; once you’ve got enough moolah, you can strengthen your warriors and turn them into the ultimate fighting machines, just like any good RPG should allow you to do.

Taking inspiration from Clash of Clans, players have to toil away to create the very produce that keeps them alive and trading. For example, you need defences around your village? First you need wood. To get wood, you need to build a sawmill and to build a sawmill, well, you’re gonna need some income, so build yourself a gold mine and your village will be protected in no time (well, in the time that it takes your warriors to complete all of the said tasks, anyway).

As you source resources and develop your surroundings, you can customise your troops with weapons and armour as well as adopting pet monsters that can come in handy later on. The battles can be conducted using good ol’ brute force, or, if you have enough shamanic influence, you can zap your enemies with curses and magic spells.

Of course, as with any free game, you can buy your way a lot faster than earning it with the premium grades; that being said, the free currency that the game provides goes a long way – penny-pin hers rejoice!

The gameplay is simple and easy to intuit with cartoon graphics, a jaunty soundtrack and comical onomatopoeic sounds to punctuate your moves and plays. For a free game, it’s very engaging and there’s every chance of you getting seriously addicted to it…you’ve been warned.


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