Should I buy the iPad at Launch or wait?


    The iPad comes with either 16GB, 32GB or 64GB of memory, and with or without 3G, giving a total of six possible options. When it was first launched Apple announced that it will first launch the WiFi only version and then after a month the 3G version.

    Although the US prices were announced at the keynote speech Apple has surprised would-be buyers of its new iPad touchscreen computer, saying it will not announce UK prices before it launches at the end of April.

    Although it announced US prices for all six versions of the touchscreen “tablet” device with and without 3G connectivity at the launch on Wednesday night by Apple’s chief executive Steve Jobs, the UK office said today that there will be no UK prices offered until the launch, expected in 60 days’ time – or 90 days for the 3G versions.

    However, the MacWorld magazine website takes an “educated guess” at UK pricing for the iPad, which it predicts will range from £388 to £591 for the Wi-Fi model, and £490 to £693 for the Wi-FI and 3G model.

    It’s no surprise newspapers and magazines are scrambling to launch apps, given the iPad’s big-screen reading experience. The Wall Street Journal and New York Times had apps available for the US launch, as did Marvel Comics. Planned UK-based apps include the Guardian‘s photo-based app, and subscription-supported portals from the Spectator and the Financial Times.

    The BBC is also sidestepping controversy over its iPhone apps by offering a news app for the iPad in the US iTunes App Store. It remains to be seen whether the app will be available to Brits upon UK launch on 26 April.


    1. Hi there
      Talking about iPad apps I believe you might be interested in this page: the best iPad apps 🙂

      Check it out and help me to add links to this list. Feel free to add your comments.

      Note that most of those apps can also be installed on the iphone.


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