Real Bits BV: Why Every App Should Have A Good Website

Real Bits BV: Why Every App Should Have A Good Website


With the advent of the tech boom apps have become commonplace. And with this extremely competitive marketplace, making your diamond in the ruff noticeable can prove particularly challenging. One place in which many budding apps fall down is with their web presence. The lack of a website is a warning sign to possible downloaders that the company in question may be cutting corners. Not only does a website provide increased visibility, it provides credibility. And for much the same reasons, any website built alongside an app should be representative of the app’s calibre – aesthetics and functionality are of utmost importance here – otherwise the added exposure will be wasted.

According to the Small Business Administration, small businesses that have websites are averaging 39% higher revenue than their web-less counterparts. In the tech world, this distinction is likely to lead to even greater differences in revenue – and increased revenue is likely the most compelling motivator for business owners. When choosing between two otherwise indistinguishable apps the one with the accompanying website is almost certainly going to attract more attention, more downloads, and subsequently higher revenue.

But websites don’t stop giving there! A website is your hub: its gathers all your activity (youtube, a blog, links to your social media and to your app, customer service, an ‘about us’ section, testimonials, methods of contact etc.) and presents it one place. This powerful presentation builds your brand far more than isolated, unassociated online activity. It shows purpose, trustworthiness and makes finding the relevant information easy.

When it comes to learning more about a business, FAQs, blogs, and customer service using an app as your platform simply will not suffice. You need to have professional advice from businesses such as Real Bits BV who can guide you every step of the way. Users enter different online environments with different expectations and an entirely different mindset. Apps are intended for function, not brochure-like information, and this is what your users will expect. Websites are where interaction and information should find their home. Don’t attempt to break the mould on this front, rather work with it to create a seamless integration of app and website so that users have the best possible experience.

This is why every app should have a good website. There are no exceptions. Get website building and the results will surely speak for themselves.

For more information on Real Bits BV, check out MediumAngel and Pinterest.

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