Newsflash! The Voomote One Remote Control Is Now Available In The US!!

Newsflash! The Voomote One Remote Control Is Now Available In The US!!


Get ready couch potatoes! If you hate getting up to turn the volume up on your speakers or change the channel on the box, you can now control your DVD player, stereo and TV from your iPhone/iPod Touch. And it’s now available in the US, selling at, and additional national retailers!!!!

The VooMote One is a sleekly designed device that effortlessly converts your iPhone and/or iPod touch into an impressively smart universal remote control, and offers additional features which are really quite impressive. It’s very easy to set up, and once you are in control, there are all sorts of innovative customizations that you can apply, such as the “One View” feature, which allows the user to create personalized and multiple device remote control layouts and the “One Touch” feature that enables you to create an entire chain of commands with a single click. Essentially, with one press of a button you can turn on your TV, turn on your DVD player, and blast your surround sound speakers! Oh, and the One app can also be downloaded for free at the iTunes store.

Read more about’s revolutionary VooMote One.

Price: $99
Links: and


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