Letterpress – Word Game: The New Words With Friends?

Letterpress – Word Game: The New Words With Friends?


Letterpress - Word Game iPhone App Review

There’s a new addictive social word-puzzle on the block, and it’s called Letterpress – Word Game.

Armed with a 5×5 grid of letters, you must turn more of the letters blue than your opponent has turned red by the time all tiles have changed colour.

Once you have created a word and submitted it for your round, those selected letters turn blue. All letters are fair game, regardless of whether they have a colour or not, except ones which are dark blue or dark red. These tiles can still be used to create words, but will not turn the other colour as they are ‘blocked off’ by being completely surrounded by tiles of the same colour.

Blocking off tiles is how to win the game. It’s not about who can make the longest words, it’s about strategically using tiles around certain other tiles to block them off and swamp the board with your colour.

The gameplay is simple and the app looks minimalist and very well polished. It’s all about the strategy, which makes each game you play different, which in turn ensures that you’ll be glued to your iPhone or iPad for far longer than you intended.


  • Incredibly addictive.
  • Gives a new twist to the word puzzle genre.
  • Very clear and east to navigate.


  • Would be great to have the ability to rematch when a game finishes.
  • The addition of different sized boards or solo challenges would be great.

Letterpress is one of those games that everyone will be inviting their Game Center friends to join. This game has the potential to be the next Words With Friends, so go check it out!

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Laura Barnes
By night Laura is a musician and plays drums for Alt/Indie band BalloonMan, by day she is a staff writer for PCR magazine. Laura is a fully fledged App addict and also has a keen interest in Cinema, Art, Gaming and Japan.


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