Landshare by River Cottage

Landshare by River Cottage

Good to grow.
Good to grow.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is a man who surely knows a thing or two about mushrooms, yet his app focuses not on foraging, but on growing your own – and more specifically finding a place to do it. The ambitious Gumtree-esque concept aims to unite those with land to spare with those who want to use it, as well as creating social groups and asking people to upload geo-tagged photos of derelict sites which would make good allotment space, with the target of putting pressure on councils to facilitate this. The app also provides a useful forum for people to pose such foodies-of-the-earth questions as “when to prune apple trees” or “how to smoke your own bacon”. At the moment there aren’t enough users to have the app reach its full potential (there are only seven reviews on iTunes), but given it’s free, it’s certainly worth a download if you’re into getting a bit muddy for your dinner.

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Ben Norum
Ben is a freelance food and drink journalist who has a weekly column in the South London Press; when he's not checking out The Big Smoke's restaurants and bars, he likes to review iPhone apps.


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