Jet Ball: Space Invaders Meets Paddle, Brought Into The Future

Jet Ball: Space Invaders Meets Paddle, Brought Into The Future


Jet Ball iPhone App Review
Jet Ball is a glorified version of the classic block-busting game Breakout, Alleyway, Arkanoid, call it what you will. If this means nothing to you, you’re a metal bar and need to bounce a ball off your body and direct it at the coloured blocks on the screen. Jet Ball is the most spectacular take on this kind of game I’ve played. There are so many explosions, spinning blocks and power-ups that it can get a bit disorienting, but I enjoyed every chaotic moment of it.

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Robert Zak
Rob is currently working on a Film Studies MA and writes freelance for a couple of websites as that's an infinitely more appealing way of earning money part-time than standing behind a generic counter somewhere.


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