iPrioritize: Let Your iPhone Run your Life

iPrioritize: Let Your iPhone Run your Life

iPrioritize iPhone App Review
Sort your life out on your iPhone

If you’ve ever complained that there just aren’t enough hours in the day, then this app might be for you. Now, there are plenty of list apps and apps to note things down, (Evernote is a must have for any busybody who tends to forget the simplest things…like me), however, iPrioritize is the “world’s first prioritization application”. The productivity app encourages you to enter your projects and goals into its user-friendly dashboard and then consider what you need to do to complete these. So far, so simple.

However, where iPrioritize separates itself from the dozens of other ‘list apps’ is that it poses a series of questions to you related to your goals, questions that are not particularly obvious and may challenge you to think about the goals in a different light. These questions are headed under titles such as, ‘Viable – can you afford to do this now?’ and ‘Important – Is it important for your business outcomes?’. The app then collates your responses and prioritizes your tasks in a suitable, colour-coded order.

iPrioritize is a handy little app that will help you order your life and can save you a lot of time and hassle, (not to mention money on Post-Its!). And at $2.99, it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than getting a personal assistant…


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