A simple idea, yet so, well, handy. This app puts a surface level, bubble level, plumb bob, protractor, and ruler all on your iPhone. If you’re an urbanite, you may not own all of these tools; if you’re a suburbanite, you may not know where your partner keeps them. The latter is the case for me. Although I am handy with tools, I gladly gave them over to my husband who keeps them in the garage. When in the middle of a project, I do not like stopping to go to the garage and search for a tool. For example, while rearranging my daughter’s room, we realized items were rolling off the top of her bookshelf. On the spot, I turned on iHandy’s level to assess the situation.
Featuring full retina display support for high definition in iPhone 4, the images of wood grain and brushed metal in iHandy Carpenter look like the real tools your grandfather used – without the dirt and rust. Plus, they are as easy to use as their real-world counterparts. With one small exception: The levels and plumb bob are more accurate if you are able to calibrate them and to do that, you need a level and a plumb bob. However, without calibration, my phone was pretty close to accurate.
With the power of these tools in my pocket, I am seeing my house in a new light. My stove top slants slightly forward. The portraits of my kids hang a little crookedly. This app helps me find the flaws and will also help me to fix them.
If you don’t need a plumb bob or protractor, you can get the level tools on their own for free: iHandy Level
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