How To Frame Your Instagram Prints

How To Frame Your Instagram Prints


Instagram frame

We’ve all heard the expression, “A picture is worth a thousand words”; well, those words aren’t of much value without the correct arrangement and structuring of sentences and paragraphs, just like a picture is not properly complete until it is correctly framed. An Instagram shot can perfectly pretty and very impressive when handed around at the pub on your iPhone, but what really gets the juices flowing is a framed print that’s hung on your favourite spot on the wall.

OK, so framing your Instagram prints may not sound like you need a degree in Rocket Science to properly pull the manoeuvre off (does anyone actually study rocket science? I mean, really?!), however, there is a subtle art to the process that can give your snaps the edge that they deserve. If your picture is slightly off centre, drooping to the left or creased in any way, shape or form then you will spend hours staring at it, willing it to be straight or deflecting catty comments from friends who may criticise your interior decorating skills. It is for this reason that I recommend that we all follow the tried and tested aphorism, ‘If you want something doing right, get someone who knows what they are doing to do it’; it goes something like that, doesn’t it?

To start with, you need to print the pictures; now, sites like Inkifi offer a useful and innovative service that allows users to upload their pictures to the site directly from their Instagram account and then print them off in a variety of different styles. You’ll be spoilt for choice, what with the array of canvas prints, acrylic prisms and greeting cards that you can decide on, however, if you just want a simple framed print then you can go for this option too.

You can choose from two sizes, 12×12 and 16×16 inches, a well as either a white or a black frame, which will complement your picture, depending on its colour properties. The graphic designers will ensure that the print is perfectly straight and centred before they post the package directly to your front door. It certainly seems to beat traipsing up and down the aisles of IKEA before setting to work with a measuring tape, Pritt Stick and a pencil, no?
Instagram allows us to take the most beautiful images; it seems such a waste to just keep them on your smartphone. Decorate your walls with the art that you create but just make sure that you get a professional to do the framing; without the correct structure, your picture may resemble a thousand words that are spelt like this: Sdfjobwf vojnwe ewfwjojn kjbndwq…

This article was originally published on Inkifi, a unique website that allows users to print their Instagram photos onto a variety of canvases, frames and greeting cards; users can also sell their art via the website.

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David Harfield
David writes about anything and everything related to travel, tech, music, food and all the important stuff.


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