Checkers — 2 players (Not Reviewed)

Checkers — 2 players (Not Reviewed)


Note: We haven’t reviewed this app yet. The following description is from the Apple App Store. If you think this app is worth reviewing then please mention in the comments section at the end of this post.

Checkers 2 players iPad App Review

App Store Description:

Play Checkers the way it was meant to be played: with a friend. Without a computerized opponent or automated actions, it’s simply a box of checkers to carry with you wherever you go.

Move your pieces forward to other squares. Jump your opponent’s pieces to capture and remove them from the board. Reach the opposite side of the board, say “King me!” and let your friend have the honor of upgrading you to a King with the tap of a finger.

Checkers is designed for the Retina Display and comes with four different boards and eight colored pieces to choose from.


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