Avoid The Horrors Of Moving With Bellhops Moving Service App

Avoid The Horrors Of Moving With Bellhops Moving Service App


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The agony of moving house is a horror unavoidable by most, whether it’s due to divorce, financial trouble or even a happy occasion such as moving in with a loved one or relocating due to a promotion, the stresses incurred from the disruption of your daily routine will undoubtedly put you in a fragile state. So what if I told you that you could have a trove of young, well groomed college students rock up at your house, eager and willing to do any and all of the heavy (and light) lifting? You’d probably think I’d been reading a little too much of the sealed section in Cosmo, well, in this case you’d be dead wrong. Let me introduce the new business venture by Bellhops.

Now, I mentioned that they were new, but due to this fast growing businesses innovation they’ve already spread to over 120+ cities with over 9000+ bellhops nationwide. Their success, is due, in part to the fantastic win-win structure of their business model. Whether you’re in need of a quick, last minute move and don’t want the hassle or cost of using a regular moving company or if you happen to be a fit (fit meaning able to lift 7kg above your head) young college student who requires flexible working hours to fit in with your busy study schedule and don’t fancy scrubbing pots for next to nothing then this app is for you.

What I like most about the app was that the bellhops could update their profile with a nice smiling photo of themselves, the college they attended, what they’re interests are and what they’re studying. This allows them the opportunity to put their best selves forward and as Bellhops’ states; everyone needs to move and the next client might be your future boss so remember your manners! This feature also has the added bonus of allowing the customers the chance to see who will be moving their belongings so they can be confident and comfortable on moving day knowing their personal items and keepsakes will be in safe hands.

Bellhops are 100% insured so if anything does happen to get damaged then they will replace it to the best of their ability or refund the full retail price. Likewise, if, in the event something goes wrong on your end and you need to change or cancel your booking you can relax in the knowledge you’ll receive your full deposit back without being messed around.

So as a hoarder and sloth by nature I’ll no longer dread moving day, rather look forward to planning my new life as I sit back and watch all my green-hatted little helpers do all the work for me.

Get some movers and shakers round to your pad by downloading Bellhops from the App Store today!


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