Arieso Study Finds IPhone 4S Owners Using Roughly Twice The Data of...

Arieso Study Finds IPhone 4S Owners Using Roughly Twice The Data of IPhone 4 Owners


A new study by Arieso has found that on average IPhone 4S owners are using twice as much mobile data as owners of the IPhone 4. There is no question that the shipped inclusion of IOS 5 and its reliance on ICloud are at least partially to blame, but given the fact that most IPhone 4 owners are now also running IOS5, the study seems to point more to Siri. Siri works so fast that many of us forget that it is heavily reliant on a backend sever, and every time you hold in that button, you are using data. Now its worth noting that Arieso is a company that specializes in optimizing mobile networks, so these results might be just a little bias, but if nothing else this is a cautionary tale for those us with data limits, watce your Siri usage! Details on the study can be found on Arieso’s website below.



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