App Review: Wordy for iPhone, the Animated Word Puzzle Game That’s Fun...

App Review: Wordy for iPhone, the Animated Word Puzzle Game That’s Fun for All Ages



App Store

Wordy, from Desktop Daydreams, is a fun word game featuring beautifully-animated cartoon graphics that you use to solve fill-in-the-blank word puzzles. The basic premise is similar to the classic Hang Man, giving you a series of blank spaces and visual clues that you use to figure out a mystery word. With its eye-catching animation and cartoony sound effects, Wordy is a great educational game for children, keeping them engaged while teaching new words and expressions. However, it’s also a fun game for people of all ages who enjoy Hang Man and other word puzzles.

How to Play:

wordy-3 wordy-2

wordy-1 wordy-5

Wordy features a series of levels, each with its own unique mystery word and animated scene. The objective is to move your bouncing ball from the left side of the screen to the right, which is accomplished by correctly guessing the blank letters that stand in the way of your goal.

Each animated scene incorporates visual clues that help you guess the mystery word. For example, the first level features a cartoon golf course, signifying that the word you’re trying to guess is somehow golf-related. Additionally, you can use a limited number of clues which provide you with idiomatic expressions relating to the mystery word.

Fun and Educational:
While children will have loads of fun playing Wordy, it’s also a great educational tool. Trying out different combinations of letters will help teach kids new words while inspiring them to think outside of the box, improving both their vocabulary and problem-solving skills. It also teaches idioms and common expressions by using them as clues. Plus, the fun animated characters along with the addicting music and sound effects will have kids playing along for hours without even realizing they’re improving their education.


  • Free of charge
  • Three unique worlds consisting of numerous levels and difficulties that offer word puzzles for players of all ages
  • Intricately animated scenes and a cast of cartoon characters set Wordy apart from more basic word games
  • Both fun and educational, teaching vocabulary and spelling skills as well as idiomatic expressions


  • In-app advertisements
  • No multiplayer option

The Verdict:
If you or your children enjoy word puzzles, Wordy is a great alternative to other Hang Man type games available in the app store, which lack the eye-catching animation and visual involvement that Wordy brings to the table. See more @

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  1. […] Folks, Came across this game the other day after reading a review on Its called Wordy and is based around solving word puzzles using visual clues. I'm enjoying it, […]


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