App Announcement: propellAR – Augmented Reality App For Drone Piloting

App Announcement: propellAR – Augmented Reality App For Drone Piloting

FanAppic - propellAR
propellAR: virtual drone piloting app

propellAR is the new Augmented Reality app from devs WORKSHOP 3D. The app allows users to fly virtual drones on their mobile devices by use of virtual joystick controls. Pilots will be able to launch their drones from any image – be it a book cover or a beer coaster – and fly it around the room.

The app is free to download from iTunes, Google Play, and the Amazon Appstore. In-app purchases (of $0.99 each) will give users access to additional drones allowing users to try out different control styles.

Full review to follow… If you would like an App Announcement, please send a request through to


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