Animal Math Toddler Games, Teaches your Child How to do Math

Animal Math Toddler Games, Teaches your Child How to do Math


It’s never to early for your little one to start learning maths. That’s if they are 2 years and younger that is. It’s proven that children learn better and faster when some sort of gaming is involve. That’s why Eggroll Games have developed an app called Animal Math Toddler Games in-order to educate kids in a fun and exciting way.

Animal Math Toddler Games is geared towards ages 5 and up and take kids on an adventure to focus and complete counting, sequence, number recognition and cardinality to unlock interactive prizes! The app consist of 9 mini games with over 20+ difficulty levels for kids to try and complete, all with a surprise for finishing a level. Kids will learn to put numbers in the right sequence, count in the right order, match up the right number and loads more. Parents can also see their child’s progress throughout the games.


Because there are different characters for each level then kids will get that personal feeling from the app. The developers making it even more personal by giving them names such as Ralphie the cat, sully the shark and Chill E. the penguin. These are the ones that the kids will go on a exciting learning adventure with.

Animal Math Toddler is interactive and the chirpy jingle soundtrack makes it really cool for the kids. The soothing voice that teaches the child makes it that extra special and it sound as though they are at school with a teacher.

The app is free to download and the first game of each level is also free. To unlock all games then it will cost £2.29, a small price to pay for entertaining and educating your little on.


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