5 Must Have Apps For Insurance Agents

5 Must Have Apps For Insurance Agents



Apps have made the world better and in the case of insurance agents they can make days much more efficient. The days of an insurance agent can be filled with many different tasks to take part in. Insurance agents are a special breed as they don’t just sell the insurance and move on to the next person but rather deal with the people that they have sold to. Agents only out to make a commission probably will not last long in the industry unless it is coupled with amazing customer service.

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This app lets an agent know how much a car is worth and thus a general number of what it is worth. This comes in handy for agents when they are advising their customer of what auto insurance package to purchase. For a car with a low value it might not be worth getting full coverage as the rates could outweigh what the price of the entire car is. Agents can get calls at any time so having this app handy can help you advise without having to get to the office or a computer.


There are plenty of apps that import contacts from a picture of a business card. CardMunch takes it to the next level and it incorporates creating contacts on LinkedIn as well. Agents get many sales from referrals or by contacting people they have worked with in the past. Having the contact information of these people can lead to sales and it helps the customers that an agent has feel more connected to the agent if they connect on social media like LinkedIn.


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Taking online payments makes it possible to insure people all over the country. PayPal is linked with a debit or credit card so it makes online spending and receiving payments easier than ever. If an agent has outsourced workers finding contact information for certain perspective clients then they can pay people all over the world to do this tedious task.



Having this app allows those to connect who are met while trying to sell insurance. Beware of how you use this app as constant attempts to sell can become annoying and cause people to just pass on all of your posts because they read like a commercial. Use LinkedIn to educate others about insurance and this can impact the amount of leads that come off of LinkedIn. If people find your article insightful or informative then the next time they are thinking about changing their insurance you will be in their mind as an option. Putting your name on sites like Usinsuranceagents.com is another great thing to do as people use this as a resource to review an insurance agent.


Agents will use the Zillow app to look up homes that clients are moving to or already have moved to. This helps them get homeowners insurance rates as they can see the general value of the home and what it is being priced at.  Zillow listing generally have quite a few details about a home that can impact the price of insurance. Agents will often ask if the customer is planning to put in a pool or other major renovations to get a more accurate quote.

As you can see app make it much easier to organize and streamline the workflow for insurance agents. Not taking advantage of using these apps only makes an agent less efficient. Time is money in any business and apps can help remind an agent and can make them have higher quality customer service. Technology can make the life of an agent much easier so take advantage of the benefits that apps can offer you.


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