5 Best Apps To Get You Through Lockdown

5 Best Apps To Get You Through Lockdown


While the first wave of coronavirus may be over, we’re already beginning to see the first signs of the second wave crashing on the shores of Europe. Throughout the UK, this has meant a reintroduction of stricter lockdown measures and longer quarantine requirements for international travellers. If predictions are correct and we are indeed heading for another lockdown similar to what we saw at the beginning of the pandemic, then we’re going to need some solid apps to get us through.

While scrolling through the best online casinos may be a fun way to pass the time, a lot of lockdownees have been utilising this time for self improvement. Everything from language learning to meditation and exercise – here are the 5 apps you need to download on your smartphone this winter!

Photo by Yura Fresh on Unsplash

House Party: Having launched in 2016, the Houseparty concept was a bit of a flop. However, having been banned from hanging out with friends and family in 2020 it’s seen somewhat of a viral phenomenon. As the name suggests, the app offers users a way to hang out and party with friends while couped up at home.

Duo Lingo: Once you’re finished playing on your favourite online UK casinos try downloading Duo Lingo for a fun and interactive way to learn a new language. With over 23 languages to choose from there’s no excuse to leave this lockdown without being a fully fledged polyglot!

HeadSpace: Lockdown measures have had a huge impact on our mental health. Download HeadSpace for help feeling zen and balancing your emotions during this turbulent time. Meditation has not only been shown to reduce stress levels and improve sleep – many studies have shown that it actually boosts our immune systems too!

Freeletics: Looking after and expanding your mind is all well and good but what about the body? If you’re anything like me, you turned into a bit of a sausage during the first lockdown. Without easy access to public parks, it’s easy to just couch potato your way through lockdown. Keep motivated to improve your fitness levels by downloading Freeletics – an app that has near infinite HIIT workouts and audio coaching. No equipment necessary, just bring your body!

Photo by Max Delsid on Unsplash

Masterclass: Language not your thing? How about cooking? No? Fancy yourself a writer? Painter? Musician? With so much downtime NOW is the time to learn a new skill and start thinking about the future. It’s never a bad idea to add an extra string to your bow but with an uncertain future and scarce new job prospects but if you’ve entertained the idea of switching up your career path then COVID-19 might just have been the catalyst you need to make the jump!

Featured image by NordWood Themes on Unsplash


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