10-day Independence Day Sale with 70% off the prices for all educational...

10-day Independence Day Sale with 70% off the prices for all educational apps


Educational iPad App

StyleMobile Studio have announced a 10-day Independence Day Sale with 70% off the prices of all of their educational apps both for iPhone/iPad. Starting from June 28, 2012 and up until July 7, 2012 you can buy any app for just $0.99. Don’t miss your chance to get an astounding app at only $0.99.

The list of discounted educational apps:


123 Zoo iPhone App Review

1. 123 ZOO 123 ZOO - Arsidian LLC

It is so easy to learn numbers and start counting with animated game application «123 ZOO».



Little Genius iPad App review

2. Little Genius  Little Genius - Arsidian LLC

4 exciting educational games joined into one application will develop your children’s logical thinking, train their memory and widen their visual comprehension.


puzzle Bricks iPhone App Review

3. Puzzle Bricks  Puzzle Bricks - Arsidian LLC

Is an educating and interactive game for kids, includes 2 logic games “Picture Bricks” and “Logic Bricks”.


Kids Mosaic iPhone App Review

4. Kids Mosaic  Kids Mosaic HD - Arsidian LLC

Interactive educating game will help your children to train their memory, learn to distinguish colors, develop imagination and hands motor functions.


Mix 2 Color iPad App Review

5. Mix 2 Color Mix 2 Color - Arsidian LLC

Educational game will teach your kid to mix colors and see the results.


Construct a Car iPad App Review

6. Construct a Car Construct a car - Arsidian LLC

Educational app not only for children but for the whole family.


Aqua Dots iPad App Review

7. Aqua Dots  Aqua dots - Arsidian LLC

Explore the world of sea adventures and create the aquarium of your dream.


“We create educational apps that make full use of the advantages of iPhone/iPad for effective training and development of children. All our apps are ideal for fun and development of creative thinking, imagination and perception. We think children are going to love it!” said Victor Khegay, CEO of StyleMobile Studio.



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