10 Apps to Make Real Estate Agents’ Lives Much Easier

10 Apps to Make Real Estate Agents’ Lives Much Easier



Today, there are apps everywhere you look; there is literally an app for everything. The smartphone has become an essential part of everyday life as it is used to access these apps and control a myriad of work and home related functions whilst on the go.

In the business environment, apps are fundamental. We use them for analytical statistics, tracking and estimations, although they feature a wealth of other purposes too. In real estate, apps have become the norm. The following are essential to real estate agents eager to make success.


The Zillow app is designed to aid people search for property. It has a range of search functions as well as a mortgage calculator and property estimates. For a real estate agent it can provide a good overview f the current state of the market, specifically what is available, the selling prices and even who is selling.

Google Maps

Google Maps might seem a bit overrated. In fact, this tool is an essential guide for locating any property and displaying properties to your potential clients.

Mortgage Calculator

Everyone dreams of owning a magnificent beachfront property but not everyone can afford it. The Mortgage Calculator app will provide you with an up to date guide with very little effort. It is connected with the market movements and can be used to assess what you will be able to afford as well as your payments and your expected final payment date.


Sitegeist is essential for both the real estate agent looking to create an interesting spiel and a price guide for a property. It is also good for property hunters who wish to find out information on an area they are considering buying in. The app displays a variety of data including average age of residents, political contributions, general distance of commutes and the average temperatures.


The Vert app is incredibly simple to use and yet essential to any real estate agent. The app will convert almost anything from one measurement into another. It can handle sizes, weights, length, and volume and can also be used as a currency convertor.

Cam Scanner

Cam Scanner is a vital to any real estate agent. Purchasing a property involves a great deal of paperwork and there are always numerous pieces being sent backwards and forwards. If these are sent by post it is time consuming and requires constant visits to the office to ensure you stay on top of the incoming documents.

However, this app will allow you to take a picture of any document and send it whilst on the move. The picture will look like a scanned image and can be printed and signed before being returned, if necessary.


Another essential app comes in the form of Dropbox, cloud storage. Any document can be saved into Dropbox and accessed wherever you are. It can even be accessed by the buyer or other people involved in the purchase of the property. This is a great time saver and avoids the risk of losing documents.

PDF Escape

PDF Escape will allow you to place a digital signature (which you must have already saved onto your computer), onto any document. It can be a great time saver and help to keep you out where the property is and not tied to the office.


DotLoop is another tool designed to make it easier to process the massive amount if paperwork involved in misting or buying a property. Documents can be uploaded for clients to see and the signature spaces can be marked. All the signatures can be e-verified and the document can be returned in a matter if a few minutes!

Sign Easy

As its name suggests, Sign Easy is an app that will allow you to sign any document whilst on the move. Simply create an account, draw your signature and you are ready to go!

Every single one of these apps will allow you to spend more time with your clients and the property you are selling! Every devoted real estate agent should have these on his/her tablet and smartphone. Make your job easier and use them to set yourself apart from your competitors.

By Jason Phillips and PropertyTurkey.com!


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