SpeechTrans Ultimate: Speech recognition and language translations

SpeechTrans Ultimate: Speech recognition and language translations


SpeechTrans Ultimate iPhne App Review
SpeechTrans Ultimate is a fantastic translation app for communicating, learning new languages and for travel use. The app uses speech recognition technology to allow users to speak in their native language whilst the app outputs the correct translations in the alternative language, specified by the user. The app is also well suited for communicating via Facebook chat.

Pros: This is a very helpful and convenient application for use whilst travelling. The app quickly and easily translates from one selected language to another, allowing users to effectively communicate whilst abroad. In addition, the app acts as a great assistance for learning new languages. As the translations are repeated back in both male and female voices, users can hear the correct way a sentence should be structured and spoken. The translations are very clear and offer 99% accuracy.

Translations are automatically saved which can then be sent via email. The text also appears once the user has inputted their voice instruction, which is helpful for the user to check and ensure the correct sentence was heard. If not, the text is easily edited and text can also be copied and pasted into the app. This app acts as an excellent communications tool with Facebook chat. Users can speak into the app and the translation will be received by friends and relatives anywhere in the world! A great alternative to International calls, which in turn, can save users money. The app fulfils its purpose and is an essential tool for users needing translations for any purpose.

Cons: Potential users may be deterred by the price of this app. Also, there were some common European languages that were not featured including Greek, Turkish and Bulgarian, although the developers state that free updates to new languages will be available. Ideally, all languages should be available for translation to ensure all users’ needs are met.

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Yiota Orphanides
Yiota Marie is iPhoneAppCafe's App Submission's Editor and also works as a freelance writer for a range of fashion and travel websites, including TourMeAround.com, where she is Editor and Lead Writer. Educated to Post Graduate Degree level, she has a keen interest in all areas of fashion, reading and writing poetry.


  1. There is no doubt that this app may come in handy for travellers. However, I do not see these services taking over and replacing human translators in the near future. Machine translations, as used in this app, may work for some shorter, basic sentences; however, neither can they convey the little things between the lines nor produce accurate complex translations that sound natural. The only way to go is to employ href=”http://www.rosettatranslation.com/”>professional translation services.


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