Mirror’s Edge: The Ultimate iPad Platform Game

Mirror’s Edge: The Ultimate iPad Platform Game


Mirror’s Edge iPad App Review
This one is a must for all platform game lovers! You become Faith Connors, who is an underground ‘Runner’, who does exactly what her job title suggests! Guide her as she jumps over rooftops, climbs ramps and battles her enemies in viscous hand-to-hand combat to stop the bad guys who are threatening to destroy her ‘perfect society’!

Pros: If you like Canabalt, you’ll love this game. Very smooth game play and the visuals are particularly impressive. Nice pro-freedom concept too.

Cons: The actual model of Faith is actually not that pleasing to the eye – I’m not being sexist, but a prettier face would be a little more pleasant! Other than that, great game!

Check out 10 Most Addictive iPad Game Apps Ever Mad


  1. I absolutely love Mirror’s Edge, Unfortunately I had just completed the actual PC version of the game before buying this app so I was a little disappointed. Obviously it’s a smaller compact version, still a good game in its own right though.


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