iDrink: Be Your Own Barman

iDrink: Be Your Own Barman


idrink iphone app review
Anyone who has ever seen Tom Cruise’s fantastic turn in 80’s smash hit movie ‘Cocktail’ will know that if you want to pick up girls, the best way to do it is to shake up a special concoction, throw in a few cheesy lines and they’ll be yours, (no matter how short you are.) Well, the cool world of the cocktail shaker is only a download away, as iDrink provides you with the answer to that eternal question of the party animal: “What should I drink next?” You can search its vast database of spirits, liqueurs and mixers and come up with the recipe for the ideal cocktail to suit your palate, creating a masterpiece of mixology out of the remnants of your booze cabinet. The ‘Randomize’ button is a cool little addition to the app, giving you a random cocktail to have as your next drink. It comes with a default list of ‘The Best of the Best’, however you can change and edit this according to your tried and tested preferences. Just don’t overdo it; there’s nothing less cool than a lecherous drunk, so make sure you know who’s mixing your drinks and steer clear of the infamous ‘Red Eye’!


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