How Businesses Can Avoid App Design Failure

How Businesses Can Avoid App Design Failure



It seems that every modern business has an app. There are many reasons for this. Apps make it easy for customers to access information or order goods or services from a company and they encourage customer loyalty because of their convenience. Here are some things to consider when embarking on the adventure of creating an app for a business.

Research Who You Hire

There are plenty of tech companies out there, but not all have a lot of experience when it comes to apps. If a person chooses to have an app designed they should make sure that they ask to see examples of previous apps. Of course, if they hire a professional people can find themselves spending thousands of dollars.

Start with a great website

While apps are important, it is also important to have a great website. Fortunately there are programs that make designing and maintaining a website much more realistic. GoDaddy founder Bob Parsons built his business around offering simple yet effective website hosting and design solutions for individuals and business. Affordable services like GoDaddy made it possible for anyone to have a website to get their business off to a great start.

Consider doing some or all of the work yourself

A thought many people might have is, “but I have no experience.” Technology has come a long way and there are now software and programs that make it a lot easier for businesses to take matters into their own hands. App tools such as App Factory can help business owners take their company webpage content and make an app in almost no time at all. App Machine is another app maker that offers a lot of value.

Keep it easy to use

Complicated apps are a sure fail. The whole point of an app is to make sure that information is easy to access. It is crucially important for a small business to make sure they test out their app with a few customers and employees before they release to the public. Testing gives them a chance to work out any issues before release so that customers don’t get frustrated and abandon it the first time they use it.

Consider your platform

Apps are created using one of four platforms: Android, Apple, Blackberry, or Windows. Android-based apps have an advantage because it is easy to get them to work with ads so companies can offer an app for free and make money off of ad revenue. Windows apps can be hard to use with ads. Of course, larger companies may want to develop their app for multiple platforms to get the broadest reach.

Keep it fresh and engaging

Apps are a lot like any other social media platform or blog. In order to keep customers using their app, businesses need to provide regular updates so it doesn’t get boring. Fresh content keeps users checking the site and sharing information with others. If an app is done right , the audience won’t even mind the occasional sales ad because they will be interested in the other content as well.


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