You don’t have to be a crusty eco-warrior to realise that the world is on a serious negative slide when it comes to pollution and that unless something is done to stop it, our children’s children will have to face major consequences. If you want to do your bit for the environment then you could do worse than checking out Greenit!, an app that lets you tag a custom design image (like a solar panel), onto a photo taken in reality. Clear as mud? Read on!
With apps such as Instagram making it popular to photo-document your day-to-day activities, it seems sensible to utilise this trend to try and get people more conscious about the environment. Greenit! Allows users to take a photograph and, well, ‘Greenit!’ by pasting a green and clean element on to it that would help illustrate how sustainable progress could be achieved. For example, let’s say that there is a huge office near your window that you think could benefit from a solar panel; just snap a picture of it and place an image where you think that it should go!

One cool feature about this app is that you can also add a font bubble explaining your choices; once you share the picture with your friends and family, people can comment on your decisions. The share feature is fairly impressive, as you can easily send your pictures to twitter, Facebook and via e-mail to friends, family or colleagues in seconds, giving any impressive snaps the chance to go viral.
I’ll back anything that challenges global warming and offers solutions, no matter how abstract, to the damage that pollution is doing to the world. The fact that this app is fun and easy to use is a cherry on the top.
- You can create a green work of art in seconds.
- There are a wide variety of images that you can paste on to your picture, giving you berth to truly explore the possibilities of greening your surroundings.
- The ‘Album’ feature means that you can keep a record of your favourite Greenit! Snaps!
Room For Improvement
It would be really cool if the app taps into some environmental blogs and creates a forum where activists can share their photos and ideas.
good start. would be great if it had an application to put the panels on roofs, facades, change directions, etc with a calcukator in the background that tells you how much solar energy or thermal energy you can produce.
energy globe foundation, based in austria, is developing such tools see
on world environment day 5 june we launch an online campaign jointly with unep, unido and unesco on presenting best practice from 151 countries and two online tools helping you optimizing your energy consumption in house or apartment and showing you how much solar energy you can produce…country specifically…as for now pre- infos on
our main products are the annual energy globe world award for sustainability presented each year to best practice sustainable projects from all around the world; and the energyglobe online portal with many online tools…to renovate and rebuild your house, etc…
check and try!
kornelia kirchweger