App Review: Yabbly Empowers Shoppers with Authentic, Unbiased Product Discussions

App Review: Yabbly Empowers Shoppers with Authentic, Unbiased Product Discussions


yabblyYabbly is the social network of online shoppers’ dreams. What Yelp is for local businesses, Yabbly is for shopping: a network of real-life consumers offering genuine product reviews and discussions. Like Yelp, Yabbly incorporates user profiles along with a karma system so that the most helpful reviewers get more exposure, which also discourages fake reviews and other marketing tactics that are so common in online retail. Whether you’re in the market for a new computer, car, or booking your next vacation, Yabbly helps you make informed decisions before you spend your money.

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Helping Shoppers Stay Informed:
While online shopping is convenient, anonymity makes it easy for retailers to oversell their products by using dishonest descriptions and fake reviews. Yabbly, on the other hand, promotes honesty by turning online shopping into a social experience. With a quick search you can find numerous write-ups and reviews written by actual consumers, giving you unsolicited pros and cons of the product you’re researching.

Like Yahoo Answers and Quora, Yabbly is based on a question-and-answer system. Simply ask a question about the product you’re interested in, and other users will chime in with their real-life experiences. This is especially helpful if you need very specific product information or long-term reviews, because you’re talking to actual owners of the product.

Yabbly Yabbly

Yabbly Yabbly


When you sign up with Yabbly, you’re automatically given a public profile. The most helpful reviewers are awarded karma points and special profile badges, which helps you base your buying decisions on the most reputable reviewers possible. You can also follow other users and browse the most popular posts, further adding to the app’s social aspect. Answering other user questions improves your own Yabbly reputation while also making you eligible for the Perks Program, which awards free products to helpful users.


  • Genuine, unbiased product reviews
  • Discuss products in-depth with other users before you make a purchase
  • User profiles, karma points, and other social features
  • The Yabbly Perks Program makes you eligible to win free products for answering questions


  • Lack of social network integration

The Verdict:
Yabbly is a must-have app for every online shopper. By connecting you with a network of real-life users, the app makes it easy to find out exactly what you need to know before you buy, while letting you avoid the biases of web marketing. Yabbly can be downloaded for free from the App Store or accessed via

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