Amazing City Compass (Not Reviewed)

Amazing City Compass (Not Reviewed)


Note: We haven’t reviewed this app yet. The following description is from the Apple App Store. If you think this app is worth reviewing then please mention in the comments section at the end of this post.

Amazing City Compass iPhone App Review

App Store Description:

Missing the compass app on your iPad? Amazing City Compass for iPad is for you.
It’s a simple basic compass, that does what a compass should do:

  •  Display heading angle in both landscape or portrait mode
  •  Display current latitude and longitude
  •  Support True North (Geographic North) and Magnetic North
  •  Work with either 3G or WiFi iPad
  •  Beautiful and simple design
  •  Weather report for the destination

*** FOR A GOOD READING, STEP AWAY FROM MAGNETIC FIELDS. Your MacBook, you iPhone, or any Large Hadron Collider can interfere with your compass ***

The Compass request your current location only to calibrate the Geographic North.

Amazing City Compass help you reach your destination.

key features:

  • easy use, just input the city name of your destination, it will show you the direction
  • random background, it will show you a different background each time you run the app


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