Top 5 Funniest iPhone Apps

Top 5 Funniest iPhone Apps


Top 5 Funniest iPhone Apps

It’s all fun until someone gets hurt. Then it’s hilarious.” Oh Bill Hicks, what a way you had with words…I like to think that one day there will be an iPhone App dedicated solely to him, where his side-splittingly funny one-liners and put-downs could be passed around the iGeneration. Anyway, until then, we will have to make do with the current bunch of funny apps, which can lift us out of the daily drudgery making us chuckle, giggle and guffaw along the way. So, without further ado, here are the top 5 funniest iPhone Apps available to download today…

Find other funny apps on – click here.

This article was first printed in iPhone Life’s magazine and then published on iPhone Life’s website as an iPhoneAppCafe guest post, reprinted here with their kind permission.

1. FatBooth: Hey, Chubby! FatBooth - PiVi & Co $0.99

fat booth iPhone App Review

Fat people are funny. Ok, it’s not the most PC concept, however some actors and comedians have built entire careers on the basis of this fact, (mentioning no names, Jack Black) and now a hilarious iPhone app is sweeping the world’s nations by turning pictures of you and your friends into fat-pictures. ‘FatBooth’ manipulates pictures stored in your iPhone’s library and distorts them to make even the skinniest girl or slenderest boy turn into a waddling, jiggling version of their former selves. It has to be seen to be believed, but this App can be hours upon hours of endless fun, as well as serving as a chilling warning to those who like an extra snack or two between meals!

2. Stachetastic: Give Yourself a Tache! 'stachetastic - Work's Out $0.99

Stachetastic iphone app review

Have you ever wondered what you would look like if you had a moustache? What about if your brother had a thin ’tache adorning his face? Or eve, and I’m not judging here, what your girlfriend would look like sporting a handle-bar moustache?! These dreams can become a reality by downloading ‘Stachetastic’, the hilarious iPhone App that transposes over 40 various styles of moustache and beard combinations onto the photos in your iPhone’s library, which you can then Tweet and post on Facebook to your heart’s content!

3. MouthOff: What Are You Saying?! MouthOff™ - ustwo™ $0.99

mouth off iphone app review

Simple is effective with this addictive little App; by turning your iPhone’s screen into a veritable mouthpiece, MouthOff moves a virtual mouth in time with your words or noises; you can choose from an array of cartoon mouths which range from the cute, (little squirrel mouth) to the downright scary, (check out Helloween!). You can even upload your favourite videos to YouTube with the chance to be listed on the MouthOff website, depending on how seriously you take your comedy.

4. iFart Mobile: Who Let Off?! iFart Mobile - #1 Fart Machine - Now With Fart Buddies! - InfoMedia, Inc. $0.99

Regrettably, no matter how old and wizened one may grow, there remains one simple universal truth…flatulence is funny. Whether you are at a dinner party, a wedding, a meeting or a funeral, if some one should happen to audibly break wind, then you can guarantee that the noise shall be followed by more than a few titters. As a best-selling App on the Apple Store, iFart provides the user with over 30 Fart sounds, a timer-induced ‘Sneak Attack’ Fart Sound and, of course, the ability to record your own guffs. Until we reach an age of enlightenment when that ‘parp’-ing sound doesn’t bring tears of laughter to our eyes, iFart Mobile will remain one of the funniest iPhone Apps of all time.

5. Best Jokes 500: Knock Knock…? Best Jokes 500 - Michael Quach Free

best joke 500 iphone app review

I know what you’re thinking; with a list of jokes there are going to be some killer, but the majority of them are going to be filler, like with other Apps such as iLaugh which displays some of the most boring jokes ever to have seen the light of day. However, with ‘Best Jokes 500’, the gags are narrowed down to the crème de la crème, referencing some of the finest comics of recent years. With classics coming from Woody Allen, Johnny Carson and Rodney Dangerfield, you are always just a shake or a swipe away from another belter to amuse your mates!

Well, there we have it guys, the top 5 funniest Apps on the Apple Store today…now what are you waiting for, get out there and start chuckling until someone gets hurt. (Then, really start laughing!)

Find other funny apps on – click here.

Editor David Harfield wrote this article for iPhone Life magazine; see the online version here.


  1. Thank you for the list! Will save it and use on April Fool day or Halloween! Why not to surprise those who don’t expect such a thing from you! I have been tricked myself with one of these prank apps – ScreamIt!


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