Who doesn’t like platform games? That’s right, nobody doesn’t like platform games! Seriously, I see no better way than to spend a cheeky five minute wait for a bus or train than to flick a little character across a screen and try to stock up points…maybe I should have stayed longer in school.

The basic premise of this app is an eco-frinedly one; you are Ciellu, the last of the ancient tribe of Skyrunners (guess what they do…) and you have to protect the Skyland’s Forest from these pesky lumberjacks who are trying to fell the trees. Oh, and you also have to collect some scattered crystals and the awesome power ups and artefacts that are lying around the place. These crystals will cause you to morph into a huge eagle that will rise over the treetops to further protect the forest.
This is a really simple game and a very fun one; it’s easy two-button control means that you can tap away just like a computer console game and the varied missions (over 90 of them) keep you from getting bored.

The soundtrack is pretty cool, with the sounds of the Skyrunner tribe interspersed between the catchy tunes; also, as with so many of the latest iPhone games, you can share your best scores through Facebook and Twitter.
If you’re looking for a fun and cool game to occupy your mind for a little while each day then look no further.
- Very simple and intuitive controls mean that you can hit the ground running (or flying…).
- The background is particularly colourful with a 3D forest backdrop.
Room For Improvement
If they could work out some affiliation with a ‘Save the forest’ type charity, I have no doubt that sales would go through the roof!