Run Wild In Rivers Casino Pittsburgh (Not Literally)

Run Wild In Rivers Casino Pittsburgh (Not Literally)



Have you ever wanted to gamble without the risk? I’m sure most of us have. Sure, the risk is half the fun, maybe ALL the fun some would say; but still, have you ever wanted to just gamble to relax? A few non-tense games of poker, slots or roulette, safe in the knowledge that you can win or lose nothing but binary code. Let’s switch tack. Have you ever wanted to go to Pennsylvania? More specifically, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? If you answered yes to both questions, and you don’t have buckets of money, then we might have just the app for you. To be honest, if you just answered yes to the first one, you should probably keep reading. It’s called Rivers Casino Pittsburgh; it’s a free app based on a real casino and it’s out now for iOS and Android.

An app based on a real casino, you say? Whatever could that mean? Well, it means kind of like it sounds. The forward thinking folks at the Rivers Casino Pittsburgh have developed their very own app, which they give to you, for free, as both an advertisement for their lustrous gaming estate, and a very addictive little free-to-play gamer in its own right. It’s an anomaly, and the first one of its kind Ive ever come across in the eleven and a half years I’ve been doing this; but I certainly applaud the lads for their innovation and brand circulation.

So, what you get is a mix of info about the casino and a bunch of free-to-play mini-games. The app is laid out in a sleek, simple way and is easy to navigate. The cool colour scheme (in both senses of the world ‘cool’) is immediately appealing and suggests a great deal of good things about the real-life casino, were I ever to investigate in person. There’s a list of delicious sounding restaurants, not to mention a load of information about what games you can play, were you to visit yourself.


In terms of the free-to-play games, there’s a lot on offer here too. A large number of themed slots, roulette, poker, you name it. You can’t deposit or win any money, but you can rack up huge numbers of in-game points as you play. It also makes great practice for any budding gamblers out there, or a nice sandbox to play around in before you hit the real life tables. The app caters to two crowds; casino aficionados and casual or beginner players looking to gain experience or hone their talents without any risk. If that sounds like you, this app is well worth checking out.

Spin the wheel at the App Store or Google Play and put some chips down for free today!


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