Anybody who likes a brainteaser should put down what they’re doing immediately and download Puzzler World 2. However, that would mean stopping reading this review, so…OK, finish reading this review and then put down everything and download the app!
Phew, that first paragraph was a puzzle in itself! On to business now; the top free word and puzzle game on the UK App Store offers over 100 free puzzles and bonus games, including classics like Wordsearch, Sudoku, Crossword, Fitword and Link A Pix.

Play in Challenge Mode, where you work your way through a range of puzzles in any order that you like; once you’ve completed each puzzle, you are rewarded with one of eight different bonus games including Hangman, Chain Letters, Add-Up and Jigsaw.

I really like the fact that you can earn hint tokens along the way, as they’re particularly handy if you get stuck on any puzzles along the way. You can also unlock over 1,100 brand new puzzles through in-app upgrades, perfect for those busy bees who never put their iPhone down.
This really is the consummate puzzle app, with a long list of everybody’s favourite puzzles and quizzes. The easy-to-use interface, bright colours and on-screen trophies that you win after you complete a puzzle make it a pleasure to pick up again and again and again.
• Slick, simple graphics
• Upgrading is pretty cheap at just $0.99
• Hours of puzzling fun
Room For Improvement
• Just keep giving me more and more puzzles!