In the Hollywood movie ‘Mercury Rising, Bruce Willis has to protect a young autistic child that has cracked a code hidden in a wordsearch from government bad guys, intent on wiping the pair of them out. In the spirit of the bald action hero, I bolted the doors, donned a white vest and set about trying to crack Puzzler Wordsearch’s eMag.
OK, so I don’t own a white vest, mainly because it makes me look like a 14-year old high school gym dropout, but I do enjoy a good wordsearch and good wordsearches are what this particular iPad magazine is packed full of. The layout of the eMag is smooth and accessible and it’s fairly easy to navigate your way around the interface.
There are loads of different themes that the wordsearches are based upon, from The Muppets’ TV Show to shopping trips and celebrities such as Canadian crooner Michael Bublé. There’s enough variety in the content to keep you hooked for hours on end with the addition of other exciting and amusing puzzles within the eMag such as Pathfinder, Step Ladder, Jigsaw and Two By Two.

What I also like about the puzzle magazine is that false trails appear in every wordsearch, which adds an extra level of fun (or frustration!) to the gameplay.
A very simple, enjoyable eMag that has the potential to keep you entertained for a very long time; as with many Puzzler eMags, there’s also the chance to win large cash prizes, which is a massive added bonus.
- I love the fact that you can get unlimited hints to puzzles that are a little too tricky.
- The ‘try before you buy’ feature of a free taster eMag is very attractive.
Room For Improvement
A little less Michael Bublé…!