Mirrow: Personal Stylist In Your Pocket

Mirrow: Personal Stylist In Your Pocket



Whether you’re a slave to fashion or couldn’t care less if you went out in a bin bag as long as it was warm enough, there will be days when you simply cannot decide on the best outfit for a certain occasion (yes, even with the bin bag dressers – black, white, figure-hugging, etc.?).  However, unless your monthly salary hits five digits, it’s doubtful that you have a personal stylist to advise you, so here’s the next best thing.  For free.  Introducing, Mirrow.

The iPhone app is sleekly designed in everybody’s favourite go-to colour, black, and is fairly easy to navigate once you’ve got the hang of it; register with a username, email and password and you’re ready to rock!  The app has many facets but its primary use is that it shows you how to organise your wardrobe.  All you have to do is use the in-app camera to take photographs of your clothes and log them under the type of fit, body area, fabric, colour, etc.; then, when you are having a HELP ME day, you simply ask the app for an informed choice of what to wear.

By using realtime weather in your location, it can pick out an appropriate outfit that will keep you hot/cool as well as looking, well, hot and cool.

I particularly like the fact that Mirrow is personified as it makes her endorsements all the more heartening, in a weird, AI sort of way.


The snapping your entire wardrobe part may sound like a bit of a chore, however, it can be a good excuse to go through your closet and chuck out anything that you simply don’t need; and if you can’t bear to do throw out those polyester green pants that you bought for a nickel, Mirrow will do it for you simply by ignoring it from selection for so long that they feel obligated to walk out by themselves!

The app can be a good cure for shopaholics who also suffer from slight amnesia when they are rooting through the sale racks, forgetting that they actually own three leather jackets and really don’t need another one.

Another aspect of the app, perhaps one for those that are bolder than myself, is to let Mirrow showcase your looks to other Mirrow users who can either ‘heart’ or ‘unheart’ them.  This can be a fun pastime for the vicarious style icons amongst you or a genuine opportunity to gauge how the world will really feel about that Daisy Dukes/trucker shirt combo (patented).

All in all, a pretty decent app for those who need to be told what to wear, which, as discussed before, can be all of us.  Must dash, off to sew up my bin bag for tonight.




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