iGame Radio Interviews App Idol Winner

iGame Radio Interviews App Idol Winner


App Idol Winner

You may remember that we ran a little competition called App Idol a few months ago; a little competition that turned into a big success, with over 680 app developers-in-the-making entering with their weird and wonderful ideas for apps. We finally whittled it down to a winner, Eric Egong, who’s app Boom!erang is currently being developed by Locassa. Eric also won $1,000, courtesy of our chief sponsor iGame Radio, who interviewed him about his experience throughout the contest.

Listen to the interview here: http://www.igameradio.com/2012/09/12/podcast-igame-chat-from-park-to-ipad-a-contest-winner-speaks/

Do you have any ideas of what you think would make a great app? Leave any ideas in the comments section below and start chatting amongst yourselves about how to bring them to fruition.


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