Fan of oldschool platformers? Then check out Dragon Land

Fan of oldschool platformers? Then check out Dragon Land



If you’re a fan of oldschool platforming classics, you should check out the brand new Dragon Land, a 3D platformer by Social Point that’s out right now on iOS and Android.

In Dragon Land, you play as a dragon whose friends have been taken hostage by the evil Borg so you have to set off on a journey through over a hundred gorgeous levels to rescue them.

You’ll run, jump, defeat enemies, and collect a bunch of items like coins, crystals, and secret keys as you strive to rescue your dragon friends.

To achieve this, you just have to complete an episode, at which point you’ll unlock that dragon to play as in any of the game’s levels. Each dragon has unique abilities like gliding or wall climbing which can give you a helping hand in the levels ahead.

If you only have a few minutes to play, there’s a quick play mode which offers a small adventure in which you have to collect as many coins as possible while staying away from a chasing ghost, and you’ll earn better prizes depending on how you perform.

Then there’s multiplayer in the form of a tournament, which challenges you to race three other dragons through a level. You can use all of your abilities here to try and finish first, and it’s ranked so you’ll earn better rewards based on how you perform.

Dragon Land is out right now for free.

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