Entertainment Apps Your Smartphone Needs Now

Entertainment Apps Your Smartphone Needs Now


We live in a digital world where our phones do far more than just make a call. You can text, listen to music, play games and schedule meetings, all from the palm of your hand. It’s convenient, it’s easy and when it comes to entertainment, there is a variety of apps that can meet your needs!

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To be able to contain the awesomeness of some entertainment apps, as well as keep up with the battery life, you have to be smart about the number of apps you choose for your phone. Whether you have an iPhone or Android, your storage space will matter so before you work your way down our epic entertainment list, make sure you have all your essentials on your phone first. This way, you won’t be clogging up your phone with all the fun and have to delete apps later on! So, check out our list of entertainment apps you absolutely need for your phone to keep you busy!

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Netflix. It’s not just for the Smart TV in the lounge, Netflix can be downloaded to smartphone so you can access it everywhere. Whatever your favourite shows are – whether popular or not – you can find the full list of Anime on Netflix alongside hundreds of other TV shows and movies. The best bit? Add a pair of headphones and those long commutes to work no longer have to be a bore.

TuneIn Radio. Bizarrely, nearly every handset comes with a built-in FM radio, but the iPhone doesn’t! Downloading an app like TuneIn Radio will allow you to access over 70,000 live radio stations, meaning you can get music on the move without having to tap into your 4G connection to listen to Spotify on the move!

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Procreate. That wasn’t an instruction, but for the artists among you it’s absolutely something you should download. Listening to music and watching TV shows is definitely not all there is to entertainment. Procreate does have a charge, but it’s such a rich painting and drawing app, that your ability to create any image is limitless.

Eventbrite. For the lovers of concerts and big venue events, Eventbrite is like a friend in your pocket whispering the best events around to you. It’s a free app and it will inform you of all the local events selling tickets, as well as giving you the option of creating events.

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Shazam. Have you ever stood in an elevator bopping to a song and have no idea what it is? Then you need Shazam. It’s a musical identification app that will pick up any song with a 10 second clip of a song. With a huge database of 11 million songs, you can pinpoint the song you couldn’t quite place earlier!

Smartphones are smart for a good reason – and they have so much to offer. Nearly all companies have an app to be used to make the user experience so much easier all round. This gives you a far better range on your phone than entertainment!


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