Broadtags is a new free social network where you can follow #Hashtags

Broadtags is a new free social network where you can follow #Hashtags



Broadtags is an app which lets you look at the latest trends by following those hashtags that are very popular at any given moment. Every day when we go online and check out the news, read stories on social media, find out what the latest gossip is and see the latest hot pictures trending on Instagram, there is something that happens to be trending.

Trends are often defined by hashtags – a word or phrase which is included in a tweet, a Facebook status or somewhere within the context of a social media update – and happens to be tagged at its front with a #. This is known as a hashtag – the more it happens to be used, the trendier it becomes.

Broadtags follows these up. The idea is to create something, tag it and watch it (hopefully) grow through social trending. It is best to start with one hashtag at a time and stick to something you like and wish to follow: it could be something like #football, #partyclothes, #scenery, #magic, #summerimages, #music, #blogs or #sport – you decide.

Broadtags has you linked to whatever floats your boat. I hash tagged #Horses and saw these beautiful creatures on my feed and discovered what people were doing with their horses, where they were riding them, if they were show jumping anywhere near me or just going out on the field to feed them.

I had live feeds on everything and everyone involved with their horses. Another friend of mine wanted to follow the latest footwear styles and who is buying what. The hashtag #shoes or #boots is a style-centred hashtag that has a lot of regular trending processes, so you will always be very busy throughout.

I was able to contact others within the trending sections of what I liked, create my own photos and videos and share them to the greater outside world. I liked the ability of being able to share my input via text, video or just images in an instant.

Through Broadtags it is actually possible to create a trend yourself; I certainly tried it (and failed) but some of the trending photos did get a lot of interest and the more you post and create, the more chance you will have of creating a massive new trend. At least with Broadtags, you know that these guys will always help you push it farther within the social networking world.


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