A little while ago we posted 7 Best iPhone Apps For Valentines Day, which aimed to help any hopeless romantics out with any gift suggestions for their darlings, ways to while away the hours waiting for their sweetheart to call and generally celebrate all things lovely. Well here’s something else that we think is quite lovely; Grubby Hands LTD have given us 5 free promo codes to their cute game Boy Loves Girl, which are buried at the bottom of this review. Isn’t that lovely of them?!
Finding out what women want can be tough; even Mel Gibson struggled and he seems to think of himself as ‘God’s Gift’ (literally at times!). This cutesy little platform game follows a boy who wants to prove that girls can be happy provided that they get the perfect gift, which occasionally includes carrying the moon on a stick. We’ve all been there…
And here they are…