Bball Rep: Truly Addictive Tapping Game

Bball Rep: Truly Addictive Tapping Game



If your school was anything like mine then the separation between jocks and nerds was fairly distinct, even up to the amount that the two groups used their bodies; the jocks would sweat from head to toe to play basketball, whilst the nerds would focus all of their energy on their fingers and thumbs, twiddling their joysticks (not a euphemism) and control-pads.  As a member of the basketball team who also loved playing video games, I was torn; if only Bball Rep, the brand new free app from Likang Xue, had been around when I was a teenager…

If simplicity is your thing, Bball Rep is certainly for you; essentially, all you have to is dribble (no, not that kind) by tapping your thumbs across the screen and bouncing the ball as quickly as possible from one side to the other.  Yes, it sounds repetitive, but that is the point (clue in the name: Rep!).  Things get more exciting when you go for low dribbles that score you bonus points or the power charge grows higher and turns green with continuous hits on the ball’s sweet spot.

As simple as the game is, it’s incredibly addictive, as is often the case with iPhone apps; with encouraging and humorous shout outs popping up on screen from Game Centre such as “Rookie of the Year!”, “Most Improved Player!” and “Go Benchwarmer!” as you get more and more ‘low dribble’ scores, the pressure builds to continue your winning streak.


The resounding “thwack!” of the ball on court is pleasing to the ear and the mini-explosion of graphics on every bounce is also pretty fun; it really is a very moreish sort of time-killer.  If you really want to show off, you can share your score on social networks; better yet, follow Bball Rep on Facebook and Twitter and brag on their feeds.

The more reps that you clock up, the more you can buy at the Store; you can purchase anything from sports drinks to weight-lifting training to improve your stamina (increase the amount of reps you clock up on each bounce) to a tattoo on your bicep and a High School Coach.  In-app purchases are available, if you want to skip ahead and buy medals and ad sponsorship deals with real cash.

In summary, I would give this app two thumbs up, but I’m afraid mine are busy tapping away at the screen, trying to get my reps up, jock-nerd that I am…




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