You Totally Rock Is Your New Best Friend

You Totally Rock Is Your New Best Friend


Everyone has a best friend who always knows what to say to make you feel better when you’re down. Whether it be work, friends, love or a general feeling of ennui they’re there for you, with a pick me up that make you feel instantly brighter. Now, as nice as it is to have these friends, we can’t expect them to be at our beck and call 24/7, but what if there was a way to carry them around in your pocket? You Totally Rock by Jumping Ahead is an app that aims to be that friend and all-round life coach.

Sign up with email or Facebook and receive personalised motivational messages and general life-advice that will lift you out of your midday work slump and get you feeling on top of your game again. If three messages isn’t enough to get you through your day then you can press the ‘rock it to me’ button to receive an instant hit of good will and perspective. Choose between feelings of self doubt, self pity and self critical to receive the kind of positive endorsement that you’re needing.

The interface is dead-simple with a scrolling feed of your old motivational messages set against a light pink backgrounds and interspersed with high-res Insta-style memes for a splash of colour and beauty. It allows you to send on particularly moving quotes to your friends and family to give them a lift too on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.  

You Totally Rock is free to download and free from in-app purchases and advertorials also. If you can get bogged down in the day to day slog at work and feel like you could use a few well-timed inspirational boosts throughout the day then it’s worth downloading You Totally Rock and giving it a go.

So if your go-to-friend for advice is on holiday or you just want the convenience of an instant hit of reassurance then download You Totally Rock from the App Store or Google Play today!


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