Tis’ The Season To Rack Up On Mobile Games!

Tis’ The Season To Rack Up On Mobile Games!


Need something to do on that long drive back from grandma’s house now that Christmas is over? Well, Gameloft’s got you covered with a huge sale on its titles for both Android and IPhone. Details after the jump:Right now through January 2nd Gameloft is selling almost all of its most popular titles for just 99 cents on both the Appstore and Android Market. There are a total of 17 games on sale on IOS including huge hits like NOVA and big names like Assassin’s Creed and Spider Man, while nearly the entire library is on sale for Android. If there was a Gameloft title you had your eye on now is the time to get it!


  1. what a load of hooey “after the jump” what a waste of time, no link, no apps, nothing. I’ll be more careful not to read your posts unless i want nothing..

  2. Sorry about that mike, I originally intended to post a link embedded in the article to Gameloft’s core site, but I was using the mobile site and didn’t quite follow through on the link property. Thanks for pointing that out, and its been corrected now.


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