Shiny Treasure: Tower Defense With Pirates

Shiny Treasure: Tower Defense With Pirates

Shiny Treasure iPhone App Review
Shiny Shiny, Shiny Shiny Treasure!

As a big fan of the tower defense genre, I’m always excited to try out the newest additions. This time we’ve got pirates, towers and a treasure trove…

Shiny Treasure is a free game, which is always handy but does usually fill me with a bit of doubt seeing as most ‘free’ games end up actually being ‘freemium’ or have some other added annoyance.

Although not a ‘freemium’ game, Shiny Treasure does unfortunately have that other added annoyance…adverts at the bottom of the screen. While the glaring adverts themselves are frustrating, them simply being there isn’t the main problem, it’s where they are placed. Many times I have found myself attempting to place a tower at the bottom of my screen only to accidentally click on an advert and open up a window. There is some relief; it seems that after you’ve played one round for a certain amount of time the adverts disappear, (although they do return when you play the game again.)

As for the game itself, it’s simple to get the hang of and runs in pretty much the same way as most tower defense games. You have the choice of 3 different towers and a special ‘zapper’ to be used sparingly. There are no options to upgrade towers, which is a little disappointing, but what more would you expect from a free game?

Pros: It’s free, easy to play and has an interesting camera angle which you don’t see on many tower defense games.

Cons: Adverts are annoying, there’s not much variety in the 3 currently available levels and it’s not easy to see the different effects of each tower.

Shiny Treasure is worth picking up if you’re new to the tower defense genre as it’s a very simple version of the game, although gamers who are majorly into these games may find it lacking in content and variety.


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