SelfieAlbum: Get A Hold Of Your Selfie

SelfieAlbum: Get A Hold Of Your Selfie



Do you have trouble managing your selfies? Are you one of those types who can’t resist firing one off every time you leave the house, regardless of activity? Maybe you keep them for self-preservation, maybe you aim to share every single one of those bad-boys via social media, opinion be damned, or maybe you’re trying to set a new record in the ‘photo-a-day’ stakes and make one of those flashy composite videos where we can all watch your face grow older. Regardless of your reasons, if you take a lot of selfies, one might reasonably assume you’d want to keep track of them. If you’re having trouble keeping up with your mugshots, then check out SelfieAlbum, a brand new app out now for iOS.

SelfieAlbum aims to streamline your selfie habits into one manageable station. At its core, it’s a calender, which assigns the selfies you take to particular dates. If you have an important event, like say a wedding, then you can take your selfies and keep them saved to that day. You can backdate this too, by uploading from your photo library. Because, if you’re library is anything like mine, it’s almost impossible to navigate properly and find what you want! By importing your selfies into SelfieAlbum, you’ll have a good idea of where to find the shot you’re looking for. It’s a simple interface to get the hang of, even if it sounds a little complicated.

But that’s not all that SelfieAlbum can do, not even close. A distinctive and awesome feature is the ability to take shots with a simple click of your fingers. Have you ever been in a situation where reaching for the photo button would mean your carefully crafted selfie pose would go to ruin? With SelfieAlbum, that’s a thing of the past. Simply snapping your fingers will result in…well, a snap. Snap to snap, if you will. This is such an obvious, cool little feature that you’d wonder why someone didn’t think of it sooner, and it’s worth the price of admission alone.

As well as pioneering the art of the selfie, SelfieAlbum also lets you share your snaps straight from the app. You can do a little editing and a little text overlaying before you send them on too Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. In a nifty move, you can also create personalised albums, each for a different occasion, as well as a number of different versions of your shots, like Facebook covers photos and iPhone wallpapers. All in all SelfMe is a versatile little app that makes your selfie lifestyle a hell of a lot simpler.

Snap happy at the App Store to capture SelfieAlbum for free today!


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