iPhone 5 To Be Launched On October 4 By Apple CEO Tim...

iPhone 5 To Be Launched On October 4 By Apple CEO Tim Cook

Image courtesy of The iPhone 5 blog.

That’s right, the waiting is almost over; on Tuesday October 4th, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook is going to unveil the new iPhone 5 and put an end to the speculating about how the biggest mobile company in the world are going to dazzle us with their new generation.

According to ‘sources close to the situation’ (AllThingsD), Apple will be holding a major event on October 4th and it will be centred around the launch of the iPhone 5; this will be Cook’s first major public product launch since Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple’s leader last month.  There has been so much speculating over what the new handset is going to be like, whether it’s going to have an infra-red camera, which carriers are going to get the smartphone and, of course, what it’s actually going to look like.

Stay tuned to iPhoneAppCafe folks; as soon as we know more, so will you.


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